Invisible Children: Trials & Triumphs of Nonprofit Champions

During Jason's time as Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at Invisible Children, their KONY 2012 viral phenomenon sparked a movement due in large part to Jason's visionary storytelling, but the effects weren't all positive. While Invisible Children's hyperfocus led to incredible outward success, it also resulted in a breakdown of internal care—a topic that Jason has spoken candidly over the years.

In this conversation, Jason and Justin discuss Oprah and Obama, the spectrum of activism, and catalyzing new generations through a radical new project, Broomstick Engine.


Jason Russell

Ideator, Director, Dream Evangelist
Broomstick Engine

As Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer at Invisible Children, Jason Russell led the company’s creative vision with an emphasis on the power of storytelling for over a decade. In 2016, he launched Broomstick Engine, a creative agency that is dedicated to using storytelling to inspire movements and real action.

Justin Wheeler

CEO and Co-founder

As a social entrepreneur, Justin helped start two successful nonprofits, both of which became multi-million dollar organizations. He brings over 10 years of experience from the nonprofit sector and was an early team member of Invisible Children, which raised over $50M in the first 8 years of operation.

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